
Monthly Archives: December 2014

It’s Christmas soon and I get to choose my present from 💛.. It happens on birthdays and christmas, sometimes even on valentines’. So the routine has been going on for the past three years and I’m starting to feel a little disappointed as time passes. Well of cuz’ I do feel happy getting the things I’ve been yearning for but I also prefer to get them by myself instead.

Some people may call me an idiot or even worst, mad. Anyhow, I like buying gifts for my friends, especially so for my love ones. I like how I could do shopping alone for an entire night And end up buying gifts for others and myself included as well.. Buying a gift shouldn’t come along as an obligation on ‘special’ days but in fact from the heart, anytime anywhere.. Not everytime too.. Duh.. Then again, yeah, my point is I really really love not having to choose my own gift because it only makes the gift as empty as how I feel..

I’m just a tough nut who happens to love surprises very much too. Like I always say- every day is valentines’.. Call it cliche, but truth is I believe if you live in that mentality, you’ll never lose your way in a relationship and leave it to rot. Lest you know, it just gets better.

Maybe I should make the first move again after so long.. To find alone-time again and end up with surprises for 💛.